Twenty seven trainees completed training in Masonry and Construction Carpentry under Dual Training Program at Jigme Wangchuck Power Training Institute (JWPTI). The training started on August 18, 2019. The graduation ceremony was held on October 8, 2021 together with 20 trainees that completed training in masonry and plumbing under the institute’s regular program.
The training was conducted with the support from Helvetas Swiss Inter-cooperation. Under the dual training modality, the training delivery takes place at two venues – at the training Institute and at the partnering Company. Basic foundational skills training (theory classes) are delivered at the institute while the hands-on practical training are delivered by the company at the construction site.
Construction Development Corporation Ltd., National Housing Development Corporation Ltd. and Ms. Gyeltshen Furniture House collaborated with the Institute in the delivery of the practical training. With the requirement to devote 70% of the trainees’ instructional time at the work site, the program is expected to address the issue of skills mismatch and foster positive work attitude.